The Wiltshire Music Centre was certainly rocking on Monday 18th October as Jazz Factory, the resident club for jazz enthusiasts, held an impromptu mini-concert and jam session for all its members – from baritone sax to clarinets, to the violin. Jazz Factory founder from 20 years plus ago Mike Daniels was in his usual engaging form orchestrating the proceedings and tooting on his horn. Mike’s group kicked off the session with Step Lightly by the acclaimed saxophonist Joe Henderson, followed by fellow tutor and poly-instrumentalist Ross Hughes’ group with a pulsating version of the township music classic, Mandela by Abdullah Ibrahim. After that tutor, Rachel Kerry’s group performed a classy rendition of Sandu by Clifford Brown, the late but great trumpeter.
The evening was rounded off with the well-known jazz standard Perdido, written by Juan Tizol, the trombonist in Duke Ellington’s famous band. The tune was played by the whole ensemble in a lively but well-ordered fashion, with maestro Mike conducting and picking out soloists at random.
A great time was had by all. Unsurprisingly Jazz Factory is now full for the current term, but the new term starts on Monday 10th January 2022, so if you’re interested in joining, please enquire via jazzfactory.co.uk
Andrew Gaulter – Secretary Jazz Factory and rhythm guitarist