Details announced for our 20th Anniversary Gala Concert Celebration

Jazz Factory Celebrates 20 years!

20th Anniversary Gala Concert                                                                                  Monday 26th November 2018                                                                                  Wiltshire Music Centre                                                                                                                8pm – Free entry with retiring collection

Jazz Factory is celebrating 20 years of jazz education. During that time over 500 people from all walks of life have been members and over 40 jazz professionals have led the workshops.  

To celebrate two world-renowned jazz musicians, Iain Ballamy and Huw Warren will be leading our workshops and appearing at the Showcase Concert on Monday 26th November. 

There will be a mixture of  the usual group format as well as the group performances led by Iain and Huw. There will also be a chance to see them in action and there may even be a few other surprises. This is a real treat for members and for everyone attending the concert. 

ECM recording artist Iain Ballamy is an internationally recognised saxophonist and composer who has been variously described as urbane, original, freethinking and uncompromising.

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Welsh pianist and composer Huw Warren has achieved an international reputation for innovative and eclectic music making over a thirty year career.

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Please spread the word and we look forward to seeing you there. It’s certainly not to be missed.

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