Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th November
Our Musical Director, Mike Daniels has been awarded: ‘Outstanding Contribution to Music Education Awards at the Wiltshire Music Education Awards 2024′ and as part of celebrating his 20-year role at WMC, (directing various jazz programmes amongst many other things), WMC is hosting the Big Jazz Weekend.
Over this weekend WMC will be bringing together musicians and singers from across our community. Stars Nikki Iles (piano) and Pete Churchill (vocal & piano) will be leading three days of joyful and inclusive jazz. Please see below what the weekend has in store and we are very excited.
FRIDAY evening
Jazz Factory will be leading an evening of relaxed jazz in the WMC foyer. A smattering of invited guests and alumni will make the evening extra special as the foyer transforms into the town’s very own jazz club. Free
An amazing chance for pianists, drummers, bass, and guitar players to learn from renowned band leader and pianist Nikki Iles. £12
SATURDAY eveningCome and see Nikki lead her band followed by JAZZ JAM & LATE BAR 8.30pm – late – open to all. Concert £25/ Jam is free
Join the workshop led by vocalist, composer and educator Pete Churchill. You will learn one of his amazing arrangements for jazz choir which will be accompanied by a full chorus and jazz orchestra. This is the rehearsal for the evening performance. £5
SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERTPerform in the inspirational final concert. Features vocal composer and educator, Pete Churchill and his roof-raising works for choir and jazz orchestra. TAKE PART & Sing with the WMC Chorus. £16